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terms and conditions of sale

Art. 1 – General provisions

 The offer and sale of products on this website, www.edizionimargherita.com, is governed by these General Conditions of Sale. Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi, invites all users, before accessing the products provided by the website www.edizionimargherita.com (hereinafter also referred to as just the “website”), of which it is the owner, to read these General Conditions of Sale.
Each purchase transaction will be regulated by the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005) and by the regulations on electronic commerce (Legislative Decree 70/2003).
By visiting and /or by purchasing on the website www.edizionimargherita.com the Customer accepts and undertakes to observe these General Conditions.
These General Conditions of Sale may, at any time, be updated and/or modified by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi; the changes and updates will be binding from the moment of their publication in this section which users are invited to access regularly to verify the publication of the most recent and updated General Conditions of Sale of Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi.
In the event that the user does not agree, in whole or in part, with these General Conditions of Sale, he is asked to refrain from accessing and using the website.
The products offered for sale on www. edizionimargherita.com are sold directly by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi via Coluccio Salutati 7, 20144 Milan
Tax code: TZZMGH8543I155B VAT number: IT07071840966
It is possible to use the website and therefore access products provided by itself and to the purchase of these in the following languages:

Art. 2 - Subject

2.1. Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi, on the site www.edizionimargherita.com, sells its own products: books, collectable books and collectable magazines, and carries out e-commerce activities with end users. Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi reserves the right not to accept or process purchase proposals that do not comply with these general terms of sale.

2.2. These general terms of sale govern solely the offer, transmission and acceptance of purchase proposals for products presented on the site between site users and Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi.

2.3. These general terms of sale do not govern the provision of services and/or the sale of products by subjects other than Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi present on the site edizionimargherita.com via links, banners or other hypertext. Before proceeding to purchase goods and/or services offered for sale by these third parties, we suggest you check their terms and conditions since Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi is not responsible for the provision of services and/or the sale of goods and/or any other electronic business transaction between users and such third parties.

Art. 3 – How to purchase – Concluding contracts

3.1. To proceed with the purchase of one or more products, the user must complete the form in electronic format and send it following the relevant instructions.
The aforementioned form contains the reference to the General Conditions of Sale, the images of each product and the relative price, the means of payment that can be used, the delivery methods of the purchased products and the relative shipping and delivery costs .

3.2. Payment can be made via:
– the Paypal circuit according to its specific methods;
– the Satispay circuit according to its specific methods;
– via bank transfer.

Once you have selected the desired products, they will be added to your cart.
For payment via Paypal or Satipsay circuits, the buyer will enter the data necessary for payment; if the customer has selected the option to pay by bank transfer, he will view the data to make the payment. The order details may be modified before payment.
The goods will be shipped only upon actual receipt of payment.
By placing an order in the various ways provided, according to the order form on the site, the The Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure and to fully accept these general conditions of sale.

3.3. Edizioni Margherita has no responsibility for payment methods managed by third parties: any compensation or dispute of incorrect charges to banks or payment systems such as Paypal and Satispay must be addressed solely and exclusively to the latter. By purchasing on Edizioni Margherita, the customer indemnifies the latter from any liability regarding the risks associated with online electronic money transactions.

3.4. The purchase contract is concluded only when the buyer receives an Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi email accepting the order which will summarize the purchase conditions as well as the data entered in the Order by the Customer.

3.5. Any product for which shipping and production confirmation has not been given, as it is not available, is not part of the purchase contract.
In case of failure to execute the order by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi (if the same is due to unavailability of the Products ordered by the Customer) the same will inform the Customer as soon as possible, refunding any sums already paid by the latter for the supply not carried out within 30 days from the date of forwarding the order and the Customer will not be entitled to any further refund or compensation or any compensation.

3.6. The tax documentation relating to the Products ordered will be issued by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi at the time of shipment of the Products themselves to the Customer. If the Customer has a VAT number and wishes to receive an invoice in his own name, he must indicate this request in the order. Otherwise, Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi will not issue a tax invoice.
The products ordered, together with the related tax documentation, will be shipped to the address indicated by the Customer in the order itself, an address where deliveries can be made during normal hours of work.

Art. 4 – Prices and product availability

4.1. The prices of products published on this web site include VAT and do not include shipping costs unless expressly indicated.

4.2. The prices of products may change at any time, with the latest price published annulling and replacing the previous ones, and are subject to the actual availability of the products: therefore, before submitting the order, users are encouraged to check and ascertain the exact amount of the final sale price.

4.3. Product availability refers to effective availability at the moment the purchaser places the order. However, availability status is to be considered purely indicative since, due to the presence of multiple users on the site simultaneously, products may be sold to other customers prior to confirmation of an order.

4.4. Even after the order confirmation e-mail is sent, there may be cases of partial or total unavailability of goods. In such cases, the buyer will be informed as soon as possible by e-mail of the unavailability of the product ordered, and will receive a refund of the amount paid within 30 days from the date of submission of the order form.

4.5. Edizioni Margherita di Tizzi Margherita reserves the right to confirm or cancel an order if abnormal conditions of sale caused by unforeseeable software or warehouse errors or situations occur, providing a refund of the full amount paid by the customer, including shipping costs. In such cases, the customer will not be entitled to any further refund, indemnity or compensation.

Art. 5 – Product characteristics and copyright of texts and content

5.1. Every product on edizionimargherita.com is accompanied by an accurate and detailed description of its essential features; Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi does not guarantee that the images and colors of the products correspond exactly to the real ones, as they may be altered depending on the type of monitor, device, or browser used by the user.

5.2. All contents of this site are owned and/or controlled by EDIZIONI MARGHERITA DI MARGHERITA TIZZI and are protected by international copyright laws. Graphics, layout, text, videos, and code on this site may not be replicated, in whole or in part, on other websites, mailing lists, newsletters, print magazines, and CD-ROMs, without the prior permission of the data controller, regardless of whether for profit or non-profit purposes.

Art. 6 - Shipping and shipping costs

6.1. Edizioni Margherita ships to almost all countries in the world. Customers in locations to which we do not ship are encouraged to contact Edizioni Margherita by e-mail to determine whether a shipping option can be found.

6.2. The products are shipped via Poste Italiane (ordinary mail) in Italy and courier (Italy and out of Italy – only service available for foreign shipments). Shipping costs to be paid by the buyer are explicitly highlighted when placing the order. 

Below is a summary of shipping costs broken down by geographical area where the shipment will be made.

– € 4 Poste Italiane “Piego Libri with the right of recommendation”  shipping service

Italy, Europe and the rest of the world

– with courier. During the checkout phase, you can calculate the shipping cost by entering your address and destination country.

6.3. Orders are shipped from Milan, Italy.  Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi endeavors to ship the ordered product as quickly as possible, approximately within 4 business days from the first actual business day following the date payment is received. Business days exclude weekends and holidays.
Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi is not responsible for transportation, which is entrusted to a third party, so no refund is guaranteed. It is up to the customer to verify upon receipt of the shipment that the package is intact, not damaged or wet or opened, and otherwise conforms to standard characteristics. Only after this check should the customer accept the delivery. Once the delivery has been accepted, no objection can be made regarding the external characteristics of what has been delivered to the customer in relation to the order placed.

6.4.  Import duties
All orders shipped outside the European Union may be subject to import duties, taxes and other local charges. These are the responsibility of the purchaser and are not included in the shipping cost. They are calculated by customs when the shipment enters the destination country and are completely beyond our control. Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional charges might be before purchasing.

6.5. Shipping time
The delivery times for the “Piego di Libri with the right of recommendation” shipment by Poste Italiane is up to 10 working days, in addition to the shipping day. During the holidays, deliveries may be delayed for reasons beyond the control of Edizioni Margherita. In the case of shipments by courier, the shipping times are as follows but may be subject to delays for reasons beyond the control of Edizioni Margherita: Italy and Europe 24-72H; Rest of the world: starting from 72H. Any customs duties and taxes for deliveries outside the European Union are the responsibility of the buyer.

The delivery times indicated here are to be considered purely indicative, and a delay relative to them, or any delivery made via successive shipments, will not entitle the customer to refuse such delivery or to claim compensation or indemnity.


Art. 7 – Delivery

7.1. Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi will deliver to the address indicated by the user at the time the order is placed on this site.

7.2. Delivery will be carried out within the time estimated at the moment of selection of the delivery method and, in any case, within the maximum period of thirty days from the confirmation date.

7.3. If the Customer has requested shipping by courier but cannot be reached at the address indicated, after the 2nd notice, in the event of failure to successfully resolve the stock, the goods will be returned to Edizioni Margherita.

7.4. Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi cannot reimburse the carrier’s share of costs in the event of non-delivery (7 euros). The customer therefore agrees upon confirmation of the order to provide a delivery address for the purchased products where it is possible to deliver the purchased products within normal business hours.

Art. 8 – Guarantees

8.1. All products sold by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi are covered by 24 (twenty-four)-month guarantee for lack of conformity, in accordance with Title III of Leg. Decree206/2005. To make use of the guarantee, the customer must keep the invoice, i.e., the payment receipt, along with the shipping document.

8.2. The guarantee for lack of conformity will apply as long as the respective product has been used correctly, in accordance with its intended use and the use and washing instructions provided in and/or with the product.

8.3. If, for any reason, Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi is unable to return a product under guarantee to the customer (repaired or replaced), or if repair or replacement are, considering the value of the product, excessively costly, Edizioni Margherita di Tizzi Margherita may proceed with an appropriate reduction of the price paid, or refund the full amount paid with termination of the contract.

8.4. Regarding Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi’s obligations towards customers upon accepting an order, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi, it is henceforth agreed that, should it be established that Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi is in any way liable to the customer – including in the event of a total or partial breach of obligations undertaken by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi – , Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi’s responsibility will not exceed the price of the products purchased by the customer and for which the dispute has arisen.

Art. 9 – Right of cancellation

In accordance with Art. 52 of Leg. Decree No. 206 of 2005, the customer has the right to cancel the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty.
The right of cancellation applies only to consumers: the Civil Code states that “the consumer is a natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to the business or professional activity possibly being carried out” (art. 1469 bis). Consequently, if the purchase is made as a business or professional person with a VAT number, the right of cancellation cannot be enforced for purchases made in that capacity.
If the conditions to exercise the right of cancellation exist, it must be exercised within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the goods and the refund will be made within 30 (thirty) days of the request, in one of the following ways which the customer must indicate in the request for return:
a) by refund of the price of the product purchased, net of shipping costs;
b) by providing a promotional code of equal value to the price of the product purchased, net of shipping costs, which can be used for new purchases on the edizionimargherita.com website;
Shipping costs for the return of the product will be borne by the purchaser.
Cancellation requests should be sent to info@edizionimargherita.com and will be reviewed by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi to verify that the request meets requirements, and the customer will be notified of the outcome of the request.
If the request is approved, the purchased goods must be returned to Edizioni Margherita di Margheritta Tizzi, via Coluccio Salutati 7, 20144 Milan or to a different location that may be indicated by Edizioni Margherita di Margheritta Tizzi.
A customer who intends to exercise the right of cancellation for more than one product from the same order must make a request for withdrawal for each product, as well as pack each product in its package. Products to be returned should be shipped using the same courier and packaging used for the original shipment; Edizioni Margherita di Margheritta Tizzi will not be responsible for reimbursement or compensation for returned products that are lost, stolen or damaged.
Refunds, if requested, will be made using the same payment method as for the purchase, specifically:
– for purchases via Pay Pal, by re-crediting the amount paid for the returned item to the same Pay Pal account used to conclude the order if it exists, or otherwise according to the purchaser’s instructions to be indicated in the withdrawal request sent by email;
– for purchases via Satispay, by re-crediting the amount paid for the returned item to the same Satispay account used to conclude the order if it exists, or otherwise according to the purchaser’s instructions to be indicated in the withdrawal request sent by email;
– for purchases made via bank transfer, by re-crediting the account indicated by the purchaser at the time of the request for return
Products to be returned must not be altered, modified or show any signs of use.
Each product must be returned with all of the original labels, packaging and other accessories received with the product.
Products must all be returned in their original packaging, complete with all its parts (including any documentation and accessories) and without damage or alteration; to limit damage to the original packaging, we recommend, when possible, placing it in a second box, on which the address of Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi should be written.
Avoid in all cases placing labels or adhesive tape directly on the original product packaging.
Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi reserves the right to refuse the return of products that do not conform to those originally shipped.
All returned products will be carefully inspected by Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi and must meet all of the parameter indicated above; only after this inspection, and in any case within 15 (fifteen) days from the customer’s receipt of the package, Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi will e-mail the customer to communicate acceptance of the return and will arrange to credit of the price paid, or send the promotional code, depending on the option selected by the customer at the time of the cancellation request.
Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi will endeavor to refund the customer promptly, no later than 30 (thirty) days after acceptance of the returned product.
After receipt of goods, if the right of cancellation is not applicable, Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi will return the product purchased to the customer, who will be charged for the shipping costs.

10. Complaints

Any complaint must be addressed to: Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi via Coluccio Salutati 7, 20144 Milan
Or to the email info@edizionimargherita.com

Art. 11 – Users’ responsibility

11.1.  Users declare and guarantee:
– that they are of legal age (if natural persons);
– that the data they provide for the purposes of the service are correct and accurate;
– that they will update data provided to Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi as necessary;

11.2.  Users agree not to utilize the service offered in illicit or unauthorized ways.

11.3.  The User assures that the information provided in the registration form and at the time the order is placed can be lawfully given and does not violate any rights of third parties.

Art. 12 - Privacy and Data processing

Users are encouraged to carefully read the section the Privacy Policy on this site, which contains all of the information concerning Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi’s processing of users’ personal data.
For any further information regarding the Privacy Policy, e-mail info@edizionimargherita.com or write to Edizioni Margherita di Margherita Tizzi via Coluccio Salutati 7, 20144 Milan.

Art. 13 – Safeguard clause

In the event that any of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions is invalid for any reason, this in no case compromises the validity or observance of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Art 14 -Applicable law and jurisdiction

14.1 Sales contracts referred to in these Conditions and the execution thereof are governed by Italian Law, excluding conflict-of-law rules and the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods.

Happy Holidays!

Orders received after 10 August will be processed from 6 September.

Edizioni Margherita